Okay, I'm reviving this now. It can't be dead yet, it's only just started.
So, I'll play along with Shara and do a whole categorical update.
Work: I have started (and just finished the 2nd week of) my long term substitute position in the first grade. I'm at the school that I did my final student teaching at, so I'm comfortable there and I knew pretty much everyone going into the situation. It's a good feeling to walk onto a school campus and have kids run up to say hi to you. It's been really nice, and all the other first grade teachers (there are five first grade classes, total) are great. But, I do think that, while I love teaching and love kids, I'm not cut out for first grade. Not right now anyway. That's not to say that I WON'T do it...I just want something else/more. It boggles me how much time I spend talking about why it's not such a big deal that so and so cut, that we are going to the classroom where we all have our individual seats and that, even though he might get in the classroom first, he will probably not steal your desk. And the size of these kids' bladders - my God. They'd have to take a bathroom break in the middle of a sitcom. Aside from those little annoyances, the kids are awesome - adorable, smarter than people give them credit for, and ready to soak up any and all information. After my stint in first grade (which runs until they come back from Winter Break), I go into the 4th grade class - which I am definitely looking forward to.
Family: The fandamnily's pretty good. Can't remember who I've told - but about a month (maybe 2) ago, we got a dog. His name is Yukon; he and his name came from pound. He's a cutie - Corgi mix (he looks like a perfectly normal dog but with tiny little legs). Ellie's enjoying her freshman year at Moreau. Parents are good. Nothing much to tell here.
Love: Non-existent. Or at least, nothing salacious to be told. Trust me, I'm as disappointed as you all are.
(NEWLY ADDED)Fresno Friends: I still love em both. I guess I should change that to "all", but I meant specifically the David and the Toddster. You'd be amazed at how much boys will help clean, do dishes, etc. when you have a little outburst (complete with tears) about how you feel like you're doing everything in the house. It's gotten a lot better. And they are great to live with. Gonna miss them next year. =(
And there you have it. Basically. My Thanksgiving break (a whole week!) is from Nov. 18 - Nov 26 basically - so I'll be home sometime in there. I'm having fun in Fresno (it's cooled off!) and at the school. But I do miss you guys tons.
Love, Katie
So, I'll play along with Shara and do a whole categorical update.
Work: I have started (and just finished the 2nd week of) my long term substitute position in the first grade. I'm at the school that I did my final student teaching at, so I'm comfortable there and I knew pretty much everyone going into the situation. It's a good feeling to walk onto a school campus and have kids run up to say hi to you. It's been really nice, and all the other first grade teachers (there are five first grade classes, total) are great. But, I do think that, while I love teaching and love kids, I'm not cut out for first grade. Not right now anyway. That's not to say that I WON'T do it...I just want something else/more. It boggles me how much time I spend talking about why it's not such a big deal that so and so cut, that we are going to the classroom where we all have our individual seats and that, even though he might get in the classroom first, he will probably not steal your desk. And the size of these kids' bladders - my God. They'd have to take a bathroom break in the middle of a sitcom. Aside from those little annoyances, the kids are awesome - adorable, smarter than people give them credit for, and ready to soak up any and all information. After my stint in first grade (which runs until they come back from Winter Break), I go into the 4th grade class - which I am definitely looking forward to.
Family: The fandamnily's pretty good. Can't remember who I've told - but about a month (maybe 2) ago, we got a dog. His name is Yukon; he and his name came from pound. He's a cutie - Corgi mix (he looks like a perfectly normal dog but with tiny little legs). Ellie's enjoying her freshman year at Moreau. Parents are good. Nothing much to tell here.
Love: Non-existent. Or at least, nothing salacious to be told. Trust me, I'm as disappointed as you all are.
(NEWLY ADDED)Fresno Friends: I still love em both. I guess I should change that to "all", but I meant specifically the David and the Toddster. You'd be amazed at how much boys will help clean, do dishes, etc. when you have a little outburst (complete with tears) about how you feel like you're doing everything in the house. It's gotten a lot better. And they are great to live with. Gonna miss them next year. =(
And there you have it. Basically. My Thanksgiving break (a whole week!) is from Nov. 18 - Nov 26 basically - so I'll be home sometime in there. I'm having fun in Fresno (it's cooled off!) and at the school. But I do miss you guys tons.
Love, Katie
What's happening next year? AND i wanna to see a pic of the DOG!!! I'm waiting to finally get mine from Alex when we get a house! Corgi's are those ones that shed a lot too right? CUTE!!!
* Shara, at 11/01/2006 9:07 PM
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