Playing Catch Up...

Thursday, November 02, 2006

Drumroll Please...

Yes, can you believe it? Deanna is blogging. I was never against the blogging, I'm just not good at it, honestly. Plus, my life isn't all that interesting.

Work: Work is great. I love the people and the projects are cool. We've got hospitals, high schools, colleges, casinos, fire stations, museums, and a bunch of other stuff. Once in a while, I get to go to a different jobsite and check out what's going on. Work can definitely be stressful, but everyone is crazy together, so it's fun watching how people deal with the stress. Some like to throw scissors and see if it can pierce the wall, and others like to sing really loudly and badly.

Right now though, I'm in the main office estimating and bidding a hospital that is going to cost $500 million! It's crazy for me to fathom that I'm working on something that huge. The office is really quiet though. You know me, there has to be some kind of noise. Another plus is that in the office I'm meeting and hanging out with people that I normally don't get to. I've been finally hanging out with people outside of work, which is nice. I'm also meeting the head honchos of the company. They intimidate me though, so I just smile and say hi. I can't really hold a conversation because I'm nervous, and I'm afraid that I might sound stupid. Oh well... Someday I'll get over that.

Family: Family is great. I will be going home from Nov. 22-Nov. 26. Hopefully we can hang out. I won't be going home for Christmas because my mom, dad, and sister are flying to SD on the 24th and staying till New Year's Day. It will be nice. We've never done a Christmas with just the four of us.

Love: Ryan and I are great. We don't fight as much because I'm not as stressed as much. He is in SD with me and he just got an internship at my company which is great. I think he'll like it. I told my parents that he's with me in SD and they took it surprisingly well. So Shara, don't be afraid to tell your parents. Your parents seem more lenient than mine. Ryan and I are moving out of our apartment. We are going to try and look for a bigger place. So hopefully when you guys visit, there'll be plenty of room!

Katie's Love Life: I just have to say that Ryan made an excellent / hilarious analogy in regards to KT's love life!!

Friends: I love meeting new people, but I probably will never be as comfortable with anyone besides you guys, so with that said, I love you and I miss you all! See you soon.


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