Look what I found! A picture of us from that fateful day when we made those "predictions." I think it was, anyway...
So yeah, sounds good. I'm really excited about this new blog. I miss all of you so much, and Katie's right, I can't just call you ladies up and say "let's go to Borders/Starbucks/Pasta Pomodoro" (ohh, I miss America!). It's so weird to think that suddenly we're all sort of grown up and doing our own thing. It's sort of like the college situation, where we all decided what we were going to do independent of everyone else and then only talked about it after the fact. This isn't a bad thing, though. I'm so proud of all of us for the things we are doing, and I couldn't ask for better, smarter, or spunkier friends than you. Sorry to get all sappy on you all, I just miss you a lot. But we're all strong, independent ladies, and the thing I love most about you guys is that I know that regardless of where we are, we can always pick up right where we left off. You ladies are always in my heart and thoughts, no matter how far apart we might be. (Awwww...it's true!).
So for posterity, let me get this straight:
Deanna: San Diego
Gina: Castro Valley/San Francisco
Johanna: Japan
Katie: Fresno
Shara: San Francisco
Wow, look at us! Love you guys. I'm looking forward to lots of juicy posts!