Playing Catch Up...

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

No snappy title here, just a cold hard update

Merry Christmas! I know it has just passed, but pretty much any time during this week and it still counts - right? I hope everyone had a great actual Christmas day - whether it be in the Bay Area, San Diego, or in the Philippines.

I did the usual Christmas Eve in Fresno and Christmas Day in Fremont at the grandparents' house. My cousin Megan is up at UC Davis now, doing the Vet thing. She's being a foster home for dogs at the county's SPCA. On both Thanksgiving and Christmas, she's brought dogs to the family festivities. On Christmas, she brought two 3 week old puppies (there were part of 12 puppies that were dropped off at the SPCA's drop box). They're not sure what they are breedwise, but they were damn cute. I grew kinda partial to the girl - white with light and dark brown spots - so adorable. I want a dog. I do. But I know how much responsibility they are and I'm not sure if I'm ready for that. It's so tempting though. And the roommates think, while it'd be fun, it's too much work for us. We'll see if I can resist the temptation.

Nothing much new from my neck of the woods. The Friday before Christmas, I finished up my placement in the first grade long term sub. It was fun, kids were cute...allbeit, dependent and slightly annoying at times. After the Christmas break (Jan. 8th) I'll start in the 4th grade classroom. Which means, more kids (30 instead of 20 students), more back talk, and more pressure from the administration (there are a lot more assessments, both formal and informal in the upper grades.) I did, however, get an email from the Vice Principal thanking me for going "above and beyond". I talked to her about next year and she talked about how, given the openings, she'd love to see me at this school. Which is nice to hear.

So I guess it comes to whether I will stay in Fresno. And....I'm going to. For at least a few years (2-3 ish). It just makes sense right now. I have the house already there, I'm familiar with the school districts, etc. It will just be a little lonely - as my fellas are moving on to grad school, where ever that will be. And I know I will make other friends, but it'll be hard when I've spent pretty much every waking (and sleeping - now) moment with them for the past 4 years. And this is no way means that I am spending the rest of my life in Fresno - hell to the no. for the more near future...I'm in Hayward now. Don't know what I am doing for New Year's - may head back to Fresno to celebrate with the boys. Then I'm coming back for Gina's birthday (though I don't know what's going on). And at some point, I am sure I'll see Shara - we'll have to schedule around Hawaii (maybe IHOP again - I've been craving those pancakes.)

I guess that's about it. I don't have any startling heath updates like Jo or Shara (which, I guess is something to be thankful for). Nor do I get to brag about any sex - though, I'm really wishing I could.

One miscellaneous update: I have closed one chapter in my life completely. And even though I'm being cryptic I know you guys will crack the code. And, for that, I'm proud of myself.

Yep, that's it.

The End.

Love, Katie.

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Merry Christmas!

Hello All! =) MERRY MERRY CHRISTMAS!!! I'm totally missing our lunches or dinners plans at this time of year too!!! But I'm glad it feels like you guys are all still in the bay area (except you Gina bc you actually are =))

Quick update - I went on a 10 day fast called the Master Cleanser and today is my 10th day! I was only alloed to drink this lemonade, maple syrup and cayenne pepper mix for the whole 10 days and had to drink a salt water wash in the mornings and lax tea at night. It was crazy hard but I DID IT!!! I feel healthier already! Why did I do it? - To loose weight and get healthy - as I've been getting sick so much - I wanted to "clean out" and totally did! It's also really made me appreciate the pleasure of eating - tasting, looking, smelling and making food. Everything smells so wonderful!

Right now I'm cooking my veggie soup for tomorrow (to get my stomach used to food again) and going to wrap presents. I don't really know what I'm doing for Christmas yet other than going to Midnight Mass and probably going to my cousin Nina's for the dinner before the Mass. I'll be working right after Chirstmas and New Year's is in Hawaii =)

Hopefully I see you 2, Gina and Katie, during the holidays! Call me!

Love you always,

Monday, December 18, 2006


So this is exciting because everyone has been on my case about this blogging business. Man, so sorry, but sitting in front of the computers all day on Mon/Tues/Weds for publication lab this past semester and editing really drained me. It made me not want to type anything extracurricular, so don't be too offended.

I'm a meteorology final away from potentially graduating. I've applied for seven jobs (and I'll be applying for a few more) all in the San Francisco area. My dream plan is to acquire a semi-great-professional job and live in San Francisco alone, listen to the smiths and drink vodka drinks. That's right, ALONE. I told bf we could have slumber parties but that is all. I need my own space, my own life, and boys are messy. I want to live in my own mess, not someone else's.

This last semester of school was awful. Publication lab and producing a weekly college paper was god awful. The people were so fucking dramatic. Luckily, I had Danelle, a girl who should be an actress rather than a journalist, to help me along and keep me from going off the deep end.

My hair is longer, I'm almost 23, my attitude is even more bitchy, and I have a lot of sex that I like to brag about. Hey, at least it's with one person.

Yep, I'm in lurve. I've molded Luis into a fine young gentleman and he managed to get me to settle the fuck down. So that's cool.

Christmas. Then I'll get wasted on nye. And on my birthday.

Oh god. I also hope I'm semi-wasted on Christmas.

Hope everyone is fantastic this holiday season.

All I Want For Christmas is YOUUUUUUUUUU...!

Happy Holidays, ladies! Just a quick post to say that I miss you all tons and wish I could see you during this holiday season. I didn't realize that Christmas is already coming up this weekend, it's nothing more than another excuse to shop around here (well, it's kinda like that in America too, I guess...). There's Christmas lights up (illumination, they call it) and that kind of stuff but of course in a country where the majority are Buddhist and Shinto, they don't really do the whole Christmas thing like we do. One of my friends told me that usually people eat a Christmas cake (just a normal cake w/ xmas decor on it) and maybe go out drinking or have dinner. Very interesting!

So I'm heading to the Philipppines for Christmas. I'll be leaving here Christmas Eve and returning on New Year's Day. It's so weird not to be hanging out with you guys and even weirder not buying Christmas presents at the mall and Borders and Target (oh sweet Target, how I miss thee!).

Not much on this front except that I got mono and was in the hospital for 3 weeks, which I will describe in more detail when I have some down time (I'm at work right now). The only other really big thing looming on the horizon is February 2nd, the deadline to decide whether I will recontract with the JET Programme or not. I'm SO CONFLICTED right now. Everyday I flip flop between loving it here and feeling really adventurous and content and then dying to go home to friends, family, and familiarity. I've been making a pros/cons list and they're so close. And it sucks because I know this is a decision I'm going to have to make completely on my own, with the influence of others of course, but ultimately it's up to me. I'm scared. I want to make the right decision. Part of me feels like when will I ever do something like this again, but then the other part of me wonders if a whole extra year will be too much or too long. Any thoughts are welcome.

Anyway I hope you ladies have the Merriest Christmas Ever and the Happiest New Year! I miss you all dearly and love you lots.

Saturday, December 02, 2006


I am so happy everyone is posting!!! Some fun crazy news if you have time . . . . . .

Health (new category): About 3-4 weeks ago I had a severe allergic attack from oyster sauce and broke out in hives and welts and my breathing passages were getting clogged up with mucus. My company and Kaiser are having issues with signing me up for insurance so after I started breaking out in hives AT THE OFFICE in SF Alex picked me up and we had to drive back in 3:00 traffic to the apartment to get the papers that proved I was covered before I finally went to the emergency room in Fremont. I LOOKED LIKE THE ELEPHANT MAN!!! I would lift up my shirt to show them the welts and the doctors and nurses with a disgusted face were like "Oh its okay put it down." At the end the situation felt hilarious bc a 22yo with an allergic reaction is pretty funny. Its a severe allergic reaction so i carry around benadryl with me everywhere I go! CRAZY!!!

Yesterday I got food poisoning and I had the worst stomach pains, felt so nauseous I made myself throw up my food in hopes of feeling better. I went back to my table where my team finished eating and said I'd go outside for some air but I ran back to the bathroom. The team didn't see me outside and thought I left and they walked back to the client site. I stayed in the restaurant bathroom forever started getting light-headed, turned ghost white, couldn't feel my fingers, started sweating, took my clothes off and when I thought I wouldn't be able walk I went outside to tell them I needed a doctor and found out they left! I asked the hostess if I could call someone obviously seeing I was sick and she said "Um I have to ask the manager" When she finally said yes she said "only 415" The manager finally came and i was able to call alex and he couldn't come so the manager called a taxi to take me to the emergency room. I ran back to the bathroom and when the taxi finally came, like a miracle, I felt better. I went back to work but the pains come in wafts so don't know if I will be able to go to the following but I hope I do!

Social (new category): Tonight - I'm going to my company's Holiday Party and its totally like PROM!!! HA HA! Girls are asking eachother what they're wearing, trying to out-do eachother, getting dresses that are WAY too expensive and the guys are getting hotel rooms! Flash back to our junior prom except for you guys won't be there =( Anyhoo, its going to be held at the Asian Art Museum and I'm excited to see the new Filipino exhibit for FREE! And to top it all off - OPEN BAR!!! LOL! Fun times!
Tomorrow night - Stukface - Aaron Davis' metal band, (graduated Moreau 2000 and dated Erin in our class) who already won an LA American music award, is competing in the 3rd round of Bo-dog Battle of the Bands which wins them a million dollar contract. Its in the SF American Music Hall and we're taking a party bus to get there!!! When they competed the first time and had a party bus I totally drank too much (LIGHT-WEIGHT!!!) but this time will be better!

So I'll be basically drunk for the rest of the weekend (hopefully)! Much needed stress reducer!

Work: We're "graded" by our seniors (person 2 yrs above me) and word gets around in the firm and I am ALWAYS LATE! I hate myself for being so but the commute is starting to kill me as this client I was on is in the city and I will be back on this client for all of busy season- January to February which is like assigned "55 hrs a week" but its always more than that like 60 EEK! Other than that it is the same. I've pulled two 12 hour days already its kinda crazy!

Love: I'm falling in love again =) We're so good right now =) I think its bc I got off the BC's and my mood is better and maybe bc I don't stress as much (like you Dee) bc I don't have homework! AND I TOTALLY BROKE THE NEWS TO MY DAD! (about moving in with him in April) and he was like "Oh you guys are gonna live-in live-in huh? Live in SIN." ARGH! But he didn't die and I didn't either so we're good!!! SMOOTH SAILING FROM HERE!!!

Travel (new category): Alex and I are celebrating our FOUR YEAR ANNIVERSARY in HAWAII!!! Dec 28 to Jan 4!!! And we are SO excited! Everyday there's a text message from either of us saying - "HAWAII!" It definately helps us get through the tough days at work.
Also, I went to Hermosa Beach in LA for weekend with Alex to visit Shaun O'neil bc he moved there. It was wonderful! The beaches are SO CLEAN! To get anywhere you bike along the beach on this trail of beautiful houses called "The Strand"! The weather there is a contant 70 and I completed my first ALL day of drinking. It started with a Mimosa w/ breakfast and ended with a cranberry vodka w/ dinner. I thought I didn't like LA but ppl there were so nice! and I even watched a drum circle on the beach =)

Family: Lex turned 18 on Tuesday and I chaperoned and bartended her crazy drunk 18yo party at my parents house! Those kids were just dumb! Begging me for more when I knew they had too much and then throwing up later! And Surge can drink a LOT!!! I was surprised! 12 shots and 2 keg stands and he didn't get sick!!!
Lex performed at Moreau's dance recital last night for her Social Dance class she danced Salsa, Tango, ChaCha and I forgot what else! She was great!

Me: As Deanna and Katie know, I highlighted my hair platinum blond and a light brown =) I love it and think I'm gonna go lighter! and I totally gained weight bc of this job!